Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Paul E. Miller


The investment trust company is not a new financial institution, for it has been in existence for a period of one hundred years or more. It has seen its greatest development, however, in Great Britain, due chiefly to her financial supremacy, and to English Capital seeking higher rates abroad. An investment trust company may be defined as a financial institution set up for the purpose of making it possible for the investor to obtain a high degree of safety in his investment by buying securities of the trust, which securities are backed by various other securities. The investment trust is to be differentialed from the holding company. The holding company has come into existence almost always for the purpose of acquiring control over a number of smaller concerns with the aim of controlling the policies of these concerns, while the investment trust purchases securities for use as a collateral for its own issues.


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Included in

Business Commons
