Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

William M. Magee

Second Advisor

Joseph C. Flynn


The purpose of this treatise is to furnish as com­plete and as clear a treatment of the subject of miracles as possible. Misunderstanding and ignorance more than In­ tended opposition is in all probability the cause or much controversy in this matter. Many outside the Catholic Church have misconceptions of just what we hold in regard to this subject. Others have little or no idea of the tre­mendous amount of evidence accumulated during the existence of the human race to substantiate our claims. Many more know nothing of Lourdes and its record of the supernatural marvels. Their stand is - Miracles can't occur; ours -they can and have occurred.


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements tor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts College of Liberal Arts. Marquette University.

Included in

Religion Commons
