"History of the Marquette Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi" by Raymond Edward Hansen

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




The purpose of this thesis is to record a history of the Marquette chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalism fraternity, in order that pros­pective members and pledges will have an opportunity to learn the aims and accomplishments of the fraternity and that the present members, including actives, associates and alumni, will have available the history of the Marquette chapter.

This thesis aims to provide a permanent record of the history of the Marquette chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. It is the hope of the writer that every future president, or a brother duly designated by the fraternity, will re­cord the year's history of the organization and add it to this thesis. In this manner a complete, up to-date history of the fraternity will be available to pledges and members.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Journalism, Marquette University. in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in Journalism Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Included in

History Commons
