Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Political Science

First Advisor

William M. Magee

Second Advisor

Joseph C. Flynn


Concerning the purely economic phases of socialism, there has, indeed, been much discussion and controversy. But socialism in its moral aspects is equally worthy of con­sideration, and to such a consideration we shall devote our­selves in this thesis.

Since, however, to the term "socialism" various meanings have been attached, it may be well, before proceeding further, to state the exact signification of the word as we here use it.

It is to designate that system really founded by Karl Marx and known as "scientific socialism" that we employ the term. Defining it, we say that socialism is "that system of social and economic organization that would substitute state monopoly for private ownership of the sources of production and means of distribution, and would concentrate under the control of the secular governing authority the chief acclivities of human life".


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Marquette University
