"Normal Variation in Growth Rate of Mice" by Helene Gysin

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Robert A. Littleford


Although there has been extensive research carried on with growth variations of rats, there has been comparatively little done on this subject with respect to mice. Stefan Kopec (1938) carried out an experiment in which 24, 000 daily weights were taken of 3 female and 49 male black - and - white - spotted, white, and lilac mice, all sexually mature. He found that males showed non-cyclic weight increase with irregular fluctuations, while the females showed marked cycles of weight change. These
cycles appeared at the time when sexual maturity was attained; decreased in intensity with age, and ended with cessation of sexual activity. Different females showed characteristic minor variations, but an average cycle lasted approximately 13 days. In any one cycle, the period of increase was usually longer than that of decrease; hence the velocity of decrease was greater. Weight changes in males and females of different strains were similar.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

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Biology Commons
