Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Social and Cultural Sciences


Trio of Youths Escape with $50,000 Loot; Lad of Eighteen Years Shoots His Mother; Score of Minors Arrested in Liquor Ring. Day after day we pick up our newspapers to see headlines of this, or of a similar, nature displayed before our eyes. Day after day the press shrieks it's hideous cries of juvenile delinquency to the millions of people who peruse the printed page. Day after day, names of juvenile offenders are affixed to lists, the magnitude of which are already startling. The present condition of affairs is such that the most easy-going should overcome his state of lethargy and give some thought to the conditions of his country tomorrow. However, as we shall see, the present situation is not quite as serious in some localities as it was in the years from 1918-1923, but it is sufficiently startling to warrant a thorough investigation.


A thesis Submitted to Fulfill Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
