Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Edward A. Fitzpatrick

Second Advisor

William M. Magee


The necessity for providing vocational information and experience for children who are likely to leave school before completing the high-school course and thus face at a very early age the demands of industrial and commercial life, is coming to be generally recognized. It has been evident for many years the the public school has been giving more effective service to the boy and girl who continue through college and into the professions than it does to the one who must step directly into the job without further training - and this in the face of the fact the the latter class is by far the larger one. The census report for 1920 shows the 51.3 of our boy and girl population from 15 to 21 years of age is in wage-earning occupations. Ayres informs us that the rate of elimination is 50 percent from the first grade to the last year of high school - that is: only half the children entering finish the elementary school and only one in ten get as far as the last year in high school. This elimination starts when the pupils are eleven years of age and drops to less than 10 percent when they are 19.


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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