
Fred Knorr

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Avery L. Carlson

Second Advisor

J.F. Pyle


Congress in 1916 passed a law which they called the Federal Reserve Farm Loan Act.

DEFINITIONS - Under this act a definite system was mapped out. The Act called for two distinct kinds of banks. First, the Federal Loan Banks of which there were to be twelve of them located in twelve districts which spread over the entire United States. Second, the Joint Stock Land Banks which are voluntary organizations and are :permitted to do business only in the state where their principle office is located, and in the adjoining state. The business of each class of bank is restricted to the making of first mortgage loans on farm lands on the amortization plan of payment only.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - The money received by the farmer through these loans should be used for further development of agriculture. Similar methods of helping the farmer is being sought by Congress through legislations on marketing and distributing of farm products.

Both types of banks are directly under the supervision of the Federal Farm Loan Board.


A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, College of Business Administration of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
