Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Business Administration


Agriculture, the production of food is perhaps the greatest and most universal pursuit of mankind. It is found and pursued in some form or other in almost every clime and by every civilized nation. In very few parts of the globe is mans food supply furnished gratuitously by nature. He is compelled to till the soil, domesticate certain beasts, to secure those necessaries of sustainance. Because of the industries dependence on the conditions of nature, its attachment to the elements, the agriculturist can exercise little control over the production of the products of his industry. The throttle of his volume of production rests with the sun, the atmosphere, and the climate. From this contingent condition on nature, the industry is given distinct peruliarities and difficulties in comparison with other forms of production. It has beset the industry with the problems of its own.

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