Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

William E. Brennan


The study of the English lenguege and its literature occupies a unique position among the studies of the secondary school--a position supported by universal recognition for its importance to all pupils. No other subject can compare with it in the amount of attention afforded throughout the secondary-school course or in the extent to which it meets the needs of all pupils. The importance of the study of the mother tongue and its literature seems to be quite generally recognized. It requires a careful analysis and interpretation of its special values and purposes. It is only when these are properly conceived in terms of the aims and functions of secondary education as a whole, only when the organization of subject-matter and the character of the teaching are adapted to develop those values and achieve those purposes, through the study and teaching of the mother tongue and its literature, that they can become really effective.


A thesis submitted to fulfill in part the requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Education Commons
