Effects of Fatigue and Recovery on Contractile Properties of Frog Muscle

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Publication Date



American Physiological Society

Source Publication

Journal of Applied Physiology

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1978.45.6.899


The contractile properties of frog sartorius muscles were evaluated during development of fatigue and recovery. Muscles were stimulated under anaerobic conditions at a rate of 30 stimuli/min. Twitch tension (Pt) decreased 59% and tetanic tension (Po) decreased 52% during 15 min of stimulation. Contraction time and one-half relaxation time increased markedly during the first 6 min and then leveled off. The peak rate of twitch tension development (dP/dt) progressively declined to 33% of its initial value. Maximum shortening velocity did not change significantly. Large increases in Pt and twitch dP/dt occurred during the first 15 s of recovery while Po did not increase significantly in this time. Thereafter, Pt, Po, and, dP/dt all progressively returned towards normal over 30 min. These results show that the initial rapid recovery in Pt is not due to an increase in the capacity to generate force. Po is a better indicator of the force-generating capacity of a muscle because, unlike Pt, it is not affected by changes in the rate of tension development.


Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 45, No. 6 (December 1978): 899-902. DOI.
