American Jesuit Higher Education/History/Mission/Principles
Who Are These People and What Are They Doing and Why?
John W. Padberg, S.J.
Raising Questions, Encouraging Conversations, Inviting Responses
Members of the National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education
Complex Simplicity
James W. Sauve
Who Owns Jesuit Colleges and Universities?
Vincent T. O'Keefe S.J.
Hiring for Mission: An Overview
Richard H. Passon
A Personal Perspective on Hiring for Mission
Joseph A. Panuska, S.J.
Legal Issues in Hiring for Mission
Robert John Araujo
Hiring Faculty for Mission: A Case Study of a Department’s Search
Joseph J. Feeney, S.J.; Owen W. Gilman, Jr.; and Jo Alyson Parker
Mission Talk and the Bugaboo of Modernity
John J. Pauly
Review Essay: Trying Again, and Better: On James Tunstead Burtchaell, The Dying of the Light
James J. Buckley
The City as Classroom
Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J.
Location, Location, Location
Thomas M. Lucas, S.J.
Tracking the Mission and Identity Question: Three Decades of Inquiry and Three Models of Interpretation
J. A. Appleyard S.J. and Howard Gray S.J.
A Midrash of (and for) Hope
Merold Westphal
Sponsorship as Living the Mission
Larry Singer
Cultivating Discerning Minds in Caring Hearts: My First Year at Seattle University
Thomas Murphy, S.J.
Book Review: Enhancing Religious Identity: Best Practices from Catholic Campuses, John Wilcox and Irene King, Georgetown Univeristy Press, 2000
Brennan O'Donnell
Newman's Idea of a University and Its Relevance to Catholic Higher Education
Cardinal Avery Dulles
In the First Person: Nurturing One's Faith
Julie Shapiro
In Response: Justice and Jesuit Higher Education: Another Perspective
Martin Tripole, S.J.
Caring for the Whole Faculty
Helen M. Whall
In the First Person: Where Loyalties Lie
Sara L. Jarrett
Developing the Brand Equity of Jesuit Higher Education
Gene R. Laczniak
Branding is the Problem, Not the Solution
John Hollwitz
Branding and Jesuit Higher Education
James M. Purcell
Education in a Church in Crisis
David O'Brien
Answering the Earthquake
Thomas G. Plante
What I Have Learned Since 9/11
Orlando Rodriguez
Teaching in Order to Nurture a Vocation: How the Lilly Grants Have Been Spent
Lucian Roy, Susan Mountin, Mary Beth Gallagher, Beth Eilers, Chris Boscia, Burt Howell, and Thomas M. Landy
From the President’s Chair: The Only True Democracy is When We All Share the Guilt
Edward Glynn, S.J.
Sharing Governance at Xavier
Roger Fortin
Collegiate, Collaborative, or Consultative Governance: How Do We Get There From Here?
Richard T. Ingram
Building a Culture of Trust at Santa Clara
Paul Locatelli; Don Dodson; Simone Billings; and Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
In Shared Governance, What Role for the AAUP?
Robert Moore, Jr.
Shared Governance: The Elusive Role of Jesuit as Trustee
Kevin P. Quinn
Just Listen: Jesuit Higher Education and the Situation of Women
Barbara J. Busse
Talking Back: A Trustee Reflects
Winston Churchill
Talking Back: Adversarial, But Not Hostile
Alan Heineman
Facing the Reading Crisis: An Interview with Dana Gioia
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
A Look at Libraries: Building Together on our Strengths
Janice Simmons-Welburn
A Look at Libraries: The Robot's Grip
Ronald Danielson
"The Disconnect": Student Culture and Jesuit Education
Steve Kuder, S.J.
Liberating Students: From Paris Hilton, Howard Stern, and Jim Beam
Richard G. Malloy, S.J.
Students and Teachers in a Changing Landscape
Mark Mossa, S.J.
Ignatian Discernment and Collective Decision Making
Nicholas Creary
Talking Back: Social Justice and the Reading Crisis
Debra Pellegrino
Talking Back: Asking Hard Questions about the Impact of International Service Learning
Robbin D. Crabtree
The Core and the Heart
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
The Great Principle of Unity?
Gerald McKevitt, S.J.
Out of Africa
Mark G. Henninger, S.J.
Philosophers, Theologians, Postmodern Students
Joseph J. Feeney, S.J.
Theology/Religious Studies: What's Happened Since 1965?
Patrick W. Carey 1940-
In the "Old Society" How Important Was Theology in Jesuit Education?
John W. O'Malley and John Padberg, S.J.
Alumni Reflections: Was it Worth it?
Margaret O'Brien Steinfels
Philosophy Forum
Johanna Forstrom; Eugene Selk; T.A. Cavanaugh; Paul Kidder; D.R. Koukal; and Arthur Madigan, S.J.
Theology Forum
Jennifer A. Glancy; Mary Ann Foley; Wilburn T. Stancil; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Thomas Schubeck,S.J.; and Mark A. McIntosh
The Service of Faith in a Religiously Pluralistic World
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.
Members of the National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education and A Note to Contributors
Editorial Board
Up Front and Physical: Jesuit Education and the Body
Colleen M. Griffith
From Caligari to Raging Bull
Richard Blake
More than Words Can Say
Paul Covino
What a Harvard Study Can Teach Us
Eileen Wirth
Craving the Company of Beauty
Terrence Dempsey, S.J.
Heritage, Identity and Campus Design
Richard P. Dober
Forum: Mind and Body at Holy Cross
John F. Axelson, Michael L. Beatty, Anthony J. Kuzniewski, Amy R. Wolfson, and Timothy R. Austin
Made of the Stuff of Stars
Keith Douglass Warner
Talking Back: Lay Theologians Create a Whole New Climate
Joseph F. Kelly
From the Editor: Mission and Identity. Who Are We and What Do We Do?
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
The Fatal Blow
Martin X. Moleski 1952-
Are We Still Jesuit? Catholic?
Charles L. Currie, S.J.
Complexities of Hiring for Mission
Chester Gillis
Hiring for Mission, Diversity, and Excellence
John McLaughlin
Making Critical Connections: Identity and Mission Officers Tell What Works
Jennifer G. Haworth and Megan Barry
The Curriculum Carries the Mission
Claude N. Pavur
Being Jewish on a Catholic Campus
Nancy Ruth Fox
Leadership as Spiritual Direction
Scott A. Chadwick
Describe, Don't Prescribe
Wilburn T. Stancil
How I Caught the Spirit
Timothy J. Cook
The Education of a Heart
Tracey Kahan
Presidents Speak: What I've Done
Stephen Sundborg, S.J.
Presidents Speak: Catholic Courses Are the Heart of Our Mission
Timothy R. Lannon, S.J.
From the Editor: Saving the "Jesuit" spirit without Jesuits
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Jesuit Graduate Professional Schools: Anything Distinctive?
Charles L. Currie, S.J.
Journalism and Jesuit Mission
Alfred Lawrence Lorenz
Does Service Count for Tenure?
Noah Borrero, Kevin Oh, and Christopher Thomas
From Saigon to Baghdad: Teaching 'Ambiguous' Warfare
Timonthy J. Lomperis
Ignatian Spirituality Among the Professors
George W. Traub, S.J. and Debra K. Mooney
A Jesuit Apologia for Assessment
Timothy R. Austin
Voices at Fairfield Conference Echo David Hollenbach's "Intellectual Tradition" Themes
Winston Tellis
From the Editor: Core Wars Worth Fighthing
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Beyond the 'Core Wars'
Brian D. Robinette
The Core and History
Thomas W. Worcester, S.J.
Advice the Core Cannon Cannot Give
Gregory I. Carlson S.J., Margaret Davis, Leslie L. Liedel, John J. O'Callaghan S.J., Raymond A. Schroth S.J., Mark P. Scalese S.J., Mary K. Proksch, Harry R. Dammer, and Aparna Venkatesan
Swallowing the "interdisciplinary pill"
Suzanna Klaf, Laurence Miners, and Kathryn Nantz
Not What, But How
Kelly Younger
How Do We Know If We Are Doing Well?
Margaret Davis
Ignatian Values in the Core Curriculum
Diane Jonte-Pace and Phyllis Brown
Five Mission-Inspired Questions to Guide Core Renewal
Jennifer Grant Haworth and Christopher Skrable
Living in Silos
Bridget Turner Kelly and Robert Kelly
Forum: Lessons Learned. Confessions of a Core War Bystander
Timothy Wadkins
Forum: Lessons Learned. Think Locally
James L. Wiser
Forum: Lessons Learned. From Plato to the School of the Americas: One-dimensional justice is not good enough
Robert M. Senkewicz
Forum: Lessons Learned. Taking the High Road
Richard H. Passon
Forum: Lessons Learned. Confessions of a Core War Bystander
Timothy Wadkins
Student Pieces: From Enlightenment to Sparknotes
Justin Roberts
Student Pieces: A Call for Intellectual Boldness
Andrew Dwulet
Student Pieces: An Apple is not a Tomato
Kaellen Hessel
Student Pieces: The Difference Between Monet and Manet
Brittany Benjamin
From the Editor: Jesuit Schools and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Where is it Today?
Richard M. Liddy
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Putting the Limits of the Grand Tradition on the Table
Lisa Sowle Cahill
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. The Many Ways of Being Catholic
Eduardo C. Fernandez, S.J.
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Classic Texts: Revelatory, but not Normative
Paul Lakeland
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Prodding Catholics to be More Intellectually Serious
John O'Keefe
Will the Jesuit Tradition of Intellectual Life Survive?
John Aloysius Coleman 1937-
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Social Justice, and the University
David Hollenbach, S.J.
The Status of Catholic Studies
Thomas M. Landy
The "Model Syllabi" for Teaching the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Paul V. Murphy, David Sauer, Josephine Dunn, and Susan A. Ross
The Trouble with "Outcomes Assessment"
Michael Collender
Shaping the Life of the Mind for Practice
Gail M. Jensen, Amy Haddad, and Mary Ann Danielson
From the Editor: Excellence. Where is it? On Doing Things Well
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
A Characteristic Impulse Toward Excellence
John W. O'Malley
Aspiring to be Great
Michael McFarland, S.J.
HUMBITION: Excellence in Jesuit Business Education
William J. Byron, S.J.
Obstacles to Excellence
Harry R. Dammer
"Controlled by a Creed?"
Chad Flanders
Honors Programs at Jesuit Institutions: Learning and Joy
Harry P. Nasuti
Something Special at Scranton
Ronald H. McKinney, S.J.
Honors Programs Best Practices: Le Moyne College, Gonzaga University, Creighton University, Rockhurst University, Regis University, and Loyola University Maryland
Elizabeth Hayes, Tim Clancy, Isabelle Cherney, Daniel J. Martin, Thomas Bowie, and Nicholas Miller
What We Did Last Summer - Intellectually
Constance Mui and John Sebastian
What New Orleans Taught Me
Jacqueline McSweeney
How Jesuit Stars Can Win the Core Wars
Justin Daffron, S.J.
Math and Gospels
Richard Escobales