Catholic Identity
Signs of Hope and Stress
James W. Bernauer, Gregory F. Lucey, Gerald L. McKevitt, Robert S. Miola, David J. O'Brien, Vincent T. O'Keefe S.J., John W. Padberg S.J., Eileen Poiani, James W. Sauve, Rosaleen Trainor, and Ronald E. Walker
Jesuit Si, Catholic...Not So Sure
David J. O'Brien
Responses: Facing Up to Catholic Identity
Philip Gleason
Responses: Hiring Catholics?
Elizabeth Linehan, RSM
Responses: Studying Catholicism
John Pfordresher
The Backwardness of American Catholicism
Michael J. Lacey
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times
Monika K. Hellwig
Living Conversation
Michael Himes
Hiring Faculty for Mission: A Case Study of a Department’s Search
Joseph J. Feeney, S.J.; Owen W. Gilman, Jr.; and Jo Alyson Parker
Is Tolerance Enough? The Catholic University and the Common Good
David Hollenbach, S.J.
Responses to Hollenbach: Barriers and Resources
Charles J. Dougherty
Responses to Hollenbach: Risking Dialogue
Elizabeth Murray Morelli
Responses to Hollenbach: The Common Good and the Marginalized
Roberto S. Goizueta
The Core of Jesuit Education as Catholic: Some Challenges to Faculties
Joseph J. Feeney, S.J.
Review Essay: Trying Again, and Better: On James Tunstead Burtchaell, The Dying of the Light
James J. Buckley
The Church, the City, and the University: Reflections on Some Challenges and Opportunities
Anthony M. Pilla
Tracking the Mission and Identity Question: Three Decades of Inquiry and Three Models of Interpretation
J. A. Appleyard S.J. and Howard Gray S.J.
Sponsorship as Living the Mission
Larry Singer
The Role of Presidents Promoting Catholic Identity at Jesuit Universities
Timothy R. Lannon, S.J.
The Catholicity of the Catholic University
Denise Carmody
Ex Corde Ecclesiae and the University
Mary Theresa Moser, RSCJ
Where Knowledge and Faith Meet
Francesco Cesareo
Enhancing the Traditions
John C. Haughey
In the First Person: Rediscovering My Catholic Family
John Schmalzbauer
Branding is the Problem, Not the Solution
John Hollwitz
Education in a Church in Crisis
David O'Brien
Answering the Earthquake
Thomas G. Plante
Teaching the Crisis
Paul Lakeland
What American Catholics Think About the Scandal
William Barnett, Robert F. Kelly, and William C. Rinaman
Forum: Crisis in the Church. A Call for Outrage
Mark L. Chapman
Heartlands Essay: Is There Such a Thing as the 'Jesuit' Thing?
Paul G. Crowley, S.J.
Talking Back: A Trustee Reflects
Winston Churchill
Facing the Reading Crisis: An Interview with Dana Gioia
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Liberating Students: From Paris Hilton, Howard Stern, and Jim Beam
Richard G. Malloy, S.J.
From the Editor: Physicality: Bodies, Buildings, Beauty
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
The Fatal Blow
Martin X. Moleski 1952-
Are We Still Jesuit? Catholic?
Charles L. Currie, S.J.
Complexities of Hiring for Mission
Chester Gillis
Twelve Spiritual Types
Michael Galligan-Stierle
Can We Have a Sexually Intelligent Conversation?
Robert J. Parmach
Forum: How to Listen, How to Speak, What to Say. "Hey Church, Meet Me in the Quad, and Bring Jesus"
Elizabeth Reavey
Forum: How to Listen, How to Speak, What to Say. "The Heart of a Generation"
James Riordan, S.J.
Ignatian Spirituality Among the Professors
George W. Traub, S.J. and Debra K. Mooney
From the Editor: Jesuit Schools and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Where is it Today?
Richard M. Liddy
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Putting the Limits of the Grand Tradition on the Table
Lisa Sowle Cahill
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. The Many Ways of Being Catholic
Eduardo C. Fernandez, S.J.
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Classic Texts: Revelatory, but not Normative
Paul Lakeland
Forum: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Prodding Catholics to be More Intellectually Serious
John O'Keefe
Will the Jesuit Tradition of Intellectual Life Survive?
John Aloysius Coleman 1937-
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Social Justice, and the University
David Hollenbach, S.J.
The Most Exciting Time to Be a Catholic Art Critic
Dan Vaillancourt
The Status of Catholic Studies
Thomas M. Landy
The "Model Syllabi" for Teaching the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Paul V. Murphy, David Sauer, Josephine Dunn, and Susan A. Ross