Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Brian Unsworth

Second Advisor

S. Hennen

Third Advisor

Krishna Kumaran

Fourth Advisor

Walter W. Fredericks

Fifth Advisor

James B. Courtright


Studies made in recent years on protein synthesis have indicated a very intricate process in which the ribosome plays an active role. From these studies it has been sug­gested that control of specific protein synthesis in eukaryotes during organogenesis may be exerted in part at the level of the ribosome. The present thesis reports on research aimed at contributing to an evaluation of this possibility and to providing a better understanding of the role of ribosomes in embryonic differentiation generally. Following suggestions by my advisor, Dr. Brian Unsworth, a series of experiments have been undertaken to determine whether tis­sue-specific and/or stage-specific ribosomal properties occur during the process of development.



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