The Economics Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's economics faculty.
Submissions from 2006
Keynes, John Maynard, John B. Davis
Preface to Ethics and the Market: Insights from Social Economics, John B. Davis
Recent Developments in Economic Methodology, John B. Davis
Review of The Expansion of Economics edited by S. Grossbard-Schechtman and C. Clague, John B. Davis
Social Identity Strategies in Recent Economics, John B. Davis
Socioeconomics, John B. Davis
The Nature of Heterodox Economics, John B. Davis
The Normative Significance of the Individual in Economics, John B. Davis
The Turn in Economics: Neoclassical Dominance to Mainstream Pluralism?, John B. Davis
Value, John B. Davis
Imprecise Precision: Rejoinder to Basbøll, John B. Davis and Matthias Klaes
Substitution between Money and Near Monies in Switzerland, Subhash C. Sharma, Magda Kandil, Abdur Chowdhury, and Tammy Parker
Submissions from 2005
Inappropriate pooling of wealthy and poor countries in empirical FDI studies, Bruce A. Blonigen and Miao Wang
Changes in Student Attitudes toward the Market System and the Introductory Microeconomics Course, Charles Breeden and Noreen Lephardt
International Technology Diffusion: Effects of Trade and FDI, Alejandro Ciruelos and Miao Wang
The Significance of the Economic Summits, Joseph P. Daniels
Empirical Studies of Foreign Direct Investment, Joseph P. Daniels
Religious Affiliation and Individual International-Policy Preferences in the United States, Joseph P. Daniels
Openness, Central Bank Independence, and the Sacrifice Ratio, Joseph P. Daniels, Farrokh Nourzad, and David D. VanHoose
International Monetary and Financial Economics, Third Edition, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
God and the Global Economy: Religion and Attitudes Towards Trade and Immigration in the United States, Joseph P. Daniels and Marc von der Ruhr
Neoclassicism, Artificial Intelligence, and the Marginalization of Ethics, John B. Davis
Response to Alban Bouvier, John B. Davis
Response to Stéphane Luchini and Miriam Teschl, John B. Davis
Response to Vinca Bigo, John B. Davis
Robbins, Textbooks, and Value Neutrality, John B. Davis
Social Economic Strategies in Recent Economics, John B. Davis
Value [Encyclopedia Entry], John B. Davis
Utilization of Income Tax Credits by Low-Income Individuals, Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Katie Fitzpatrick, and Andrew Hanson
The Market Attitudes Inventory: The Development and Testing of Reliability and Validity, Noreen Lephardt and Charles Breeden
Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of International Trade: A Vector Error-Correction Study, Farrokh Nourzad
Perspectives on Michael A. Bernstein's A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Roger E. Backhouse, A.W. Bob Coats, John B. Davis, and Harald Hagemann
The effects of gender on salary-at-hire in the academic labor market, Peter Toumanoff
Information Diffusion in a Cobweb World, Miao Grace Wang and M. C. Sunny Wong
Learning Dynamics in Monetary Policy: The Robustness of an Aggressive Price Stabilizing Policy, Miao Wang and M. C. Sunny Wong
Submissions from 2004
Do Urban Agglomeration Effect and Household Amenities have a Skills Bias?, Dwight W. Adamson, David E. Clark, and Mark D. Partridge
A Global Lottery and a Global Premium Bond, Tony Addison and Abdur Chowdhury
Financing Reconstruction, Tony Addison, Abdur Chowdhury, and Syed M. Murshed
Assessing Alternative Methods of Estimating the Present Value of Future Earnings: A Fifteen-Year Update, Brian Brush
Money Demand Stability under Currency Substitution: Some Recent Evidence, Santi Chaisrisawatsuk, Subhash C. Sharma, and Abdur Chowdhury
External Debt, Growth and the HIPC Initiative: Is the Country Choice too Narrow?, Abdur Chowdhury
Private Savings in Transition Economies: Are There Terms of Trade Shocks?, Abdur Chowdhury
The Fiscal Dimensions of Conflict and Reconstruction, Abdur Chowdhury
Regional vs. Global Financing Strategies for U.S. MNEs, Joseph P. Daniels, Walid Hejazi, and Marc von der Ruhr
Collective Intentionality, Complex Economic Behavior, and Valuation (book chapter), John Davis
Complex Economic Systems: Using Collective Intentionality Analysis to Explain Individual ldentity in Networks, John B. Davis
Economics as a Colonial Discourse of Modernity, John B. Davis
Economists' Dreams : Review of Machine Dreams by Phillip Mirowski, John B. Davis
Identity and Commitment: Sen's Conception of the Individual, John B. Davis
Review of Reconstructing Economic Theory: The Problem of Human Agency by Allen Oakley, John B. Davis
The Agency-structure Model and the Embedded Individual in Heterodox Economics, John B. Davis
Introduction to The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy, John B. Davis, Alain Marciano, and Jochen Runde
The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy, John B. Davis, Alain Marciano, and Jochen Runde
An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of International Stock Markets Interdependence, Michael Hutchinson and Farrokh Nourzad
Gasoline Prices, State Gasoline Excise Taxes, and the Size of Urban Areas, James McGibany
Do Lower Mortgage Rates Mean Higher Housing Prices?, James McGibany and Farrokh Nourzad
What Determines Public Education Expenditures in Russia?, Inna Verbina and Abdur Chowdhury
Submissions from 2003
The Long-Run Behavior and Short-Run Dynamics of Private Savings in Morocco, Mina Baliamoune-Lutz and Abdur Chowdhury
Risk, Discounting, and the Present Value of Future Earnings, Brian Brush
Banking Reform in Russia: Winds of Change?, Abdur Chowdhury
Do Asymmetric Terms of Trade Shocks Affect Private Savings in a Transition Economy?, Abdur Chowdhury
Information Technology and Productivity Payoff in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Emerging Markets, Abdur Chowdhury
Reforming Russia's Educational System, Abdur Chowdhury
WTO Accession: What's In It For Russia?, Abdur Chowdhury
Economic Policies in Transition, Abdur Chowdhury and Iikka Korhonen
Migration and implicit amenity markets: does incomplete compensation matter?, David E. Clark, William E. Herrin, Thomas A. Knapp, and Nancy E. White
Currency Substitution, Seigniorage, and Currency Crises in Interdependent Economies, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
The Determinants of Immigration-Policy Preferences in Advanced Economies: A Cross-Country Study, Joseph P. Daniels and Marc von der Ruhr
Collective Intentionality, Complex Economic Behavior, and Valuation, John B. Davis
Economic Methodology Since Kuhn, John B. Davis
Regional Economic Integration, the Environment, and Community: East Asia and APEC, John B. Davis
Review of Global Economy, Global Justice by George DeMartino, John B. Davis
The Relationship Between Keynes's Early and Later Philosophical Thinking, John B. Davis
The Theory of the Individual in Economics, John B. Davis
Transnational Corporations: Dynamic Structures, Strategies, and Processes, John B. Davis
Reflexivity: Curse or Cure?, John B. Davis and Matthias Klaes
Openness, Growth, and Development: Evidence from a Panel of Developing Countries, Farrokh Nourzad and Jennifer J. Powell
A Companion to the History of Economic Thought, Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, and John B. Davis
The Invisible Gag, Lawrence Soley
The Relationship Between Religious Affiliation, Region, Race, and Attitudes Toward Globalization, Marc von der Ruhr and Joseph P. Daniels
Submissions from 2002
By How Much Does Conflict Reduce Financial Development?, Tony Addison, Abdur Chowdhury, and Syed M. Murshed
The "Income-Variance" Risk Factor and Jones & Laughlin v. Pfeifer Guidelines for the Calculation of Present Value, Charles Breeden
Student Attitudes Towards the Market System: An Inquiry and Analysis, Charles Breeden and Noreen Lephardt
Student Attitudes Toward the Market System: Predicting Student Achievement, Charles Breeden and Noreen Lephardt
Comment: Wage Loss in Wrongful Death - A Historical Analysis, Brian Brush
"James Tobin (1918 -)", Abdur Chowdhury
Corporations and Structural Linkages in World Commerce, Joseph P. Daniels and John B. Davis
A Marxist influence on Wittgenstein via Sraffa, John B. Davis
Capabilities and Personal Identity: Using Sen to Explain Folbre's 'Structures of Constrain' Analysis, John B. Davis
Collective Intentionality and Individual Behavior, John B. Davis
Gramsci, Sraffa, Wittgenstein: Philosophical Linkages, John B. Davis
The Emperor's Clothes, John B. Davis
The History of Economics as a Sub-Discipline: The Role of the History of Economics Society Meetings, John B. Davis
Will Social Values Influence the Development of HMOs?, John B. Davis
Financial development and productive efficiency: A panel study of developed and developing countries, Farrokh Nourzad
Real Money Balances and Production Efficiency: A Panel-Data Stochastic Production Frontier Study, Farrokh Nourzad
What Determines Public Education Expenditures in a Transition Economy?, Inna Verbina and Abdur Chowdhury
Submissions from 2001
Economics Broadly Considered: Essays in Honor of Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis, and Steven G. Medema
Introduction to Economics Broadly Considered, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis, and Steven G. Medema