The Economics Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's economics faculty.
Submissions from 1990
Review of Robert W. Dimand's The Origins of the Keynesian Revolution, John B. Davis
Rorty's Contribution to McCloskey's Understanding of Conversation as the Methodology of Economics, John B. Davis
Leontief Technology and Input Substitution: A Reply, Farrokh Nourzad and Mohamed A. El-Hodiri
Submissions from 1989
Financial Innovations and the Interest Elasticity of Money Demand in Canada, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary and Fiscal Policy as a Stabilization Tool: The Case of Korea and Turkey, Abdur Chowdhury
The Two-stage Hedonic Wage Approach: A Methodology for the Valuation of Environmental Amenities, David E. Clark and James R. Kahn
Axiomatic General Equilibrium Theory and Referentiality, John B. Davis
Distribution in Ricardo's Machinery Chapter, John B. Davis
Explicating the Normative Content of Economics, John B. Davis
Keynes on Atomism and Organicism, John B. Davis
Keynes on Organicism: Comment, John B. Davis
Smith's Invisible Hand and Hegel's Cunning of Reason, John B. Davis
Submissions from 1988
Expenditures and Receipts at the State and Local Government Level: Comment, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Economic Activity: Some Further Evidence, Abdur Chowdhury
The Infant Mortality-Fertility Debate: Some International Evidence, Abdur Chowdhury
Velocity and the Variability of Money Growth: Some International Evidence, Abdur Chowdhury
The Social Benefits of Urban Cultural Amenities, David E. Clark and James R. Kahn
City Size, Quality of Life, and the Urbanization Deflator of the GNP: 1910-1984, David E. Clark, James R. Kahn, and Haim Ofek
Amnesty for State Tax Evaders: Lessons From the California Experience, Steven E. Crane and Farrokh Nourzad
Looking Backward: Looking Forward, John B. Davis
Sraffa, Wittgenstein and Neoclassical Economics, John B. Davis
Three Principles of Post Keynesian Methodology, John B. Davis
A Note on Leontief Technology and Input Substitution, Mohamed A. El-Hodiri and Farrokh Nourzad
The Substitutability of Real and Financial Assets, James M. McGibany and Farrokh Nourzad
Money Demand and the Effects of Fiscal Policies: A Comment, Farrokh Nourzad and James McGibany
Changes in R&D Expenditure and Productivity Growth: A Causal Analysis, Mawdudur Rahman and Abdur Chowdhury
Submissions from 1987
Are Causal Relationships Sensitive to Causality Tests?, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary Aggregates as a Target Variable: A Comment, Abdur Chowdhury
Review of Advances in Monetary Economics by David Currie, Abdur Chowdhury
On the Treatment of Income Tax Rates in Empirical Analysis of Tax Evasion, Steven E. Crane and Farrokh Nourzad
Marx's Conception of Ethics in Capitalist Society, John B. Davis
Patriarchy in a System of Labor Exploitation, John B. Davis
The Science of Happiness and the Marginalization of Ethics, John B. Davis
A Reexamination of the Effect of Rapid Military Spending on Inflation, Farrokh Nourzad
Submissions from 1986
Wage Share, Market Power and Unionism: Rejoinder, Brian C. Brush and Steven E. Crane
A Note on Dominant Influence of Fiscal Actions, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary and Fiscal Impacts on Economic Activity in Bangladesh: A Note, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and Aggregate Economic Activity in Korea, Abdur Chowdhury
Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and Investment Spending: An Empirical Analysis, Abdur Chowdhury, James S. Fackler, and W. Douglas McMillin
Inflation and Tax Evasion: An Empirical Analysis, Steven E. Crane and Farrokh Nourzad
Review Essay: The Politics of Meaning, John B. Davis
The Significance of Recent Developments in the Philosophical Analysis of Reference for Neoclassical Economics, John B. Davis
Interest Rate Volatility and the Demand for Money, James McGibany and Farrokh Nourzad
Tax Rate Changes, Interest Rate Volatility, and the Decline in Velocity, 1981-1983, James McGibany and Farrokh Nourzad
Federal Income Tax Evasion, Farrokh Nourzad
Private Investment Decisions and Public Subsidization of Solar Energy: An Economic Analysis, Farrokh Nourzad
Submissions from 1985
The Effect of Market Power on the Fringe Benefit Share of Labor Compensation, Brian Brush and Steven E. Crane
Review of Prices, Wages and Business Cycles by Burton H. Klein, Abdur Chowdhury
Time Value of Money and Income Tax Evasion Under Risk-Averse Behavior: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence, Steven E. Crane and Farrokh Nourzad
Income Taxes and the Income Velocity of Money: An Empirical Analysis, Farrokh Nourzad
Submissions from 1984
Wage Share, Market Power and Unionism: Some Contrary U.S. Evidence, Brian C. Brush and Steven E. Crane
Income Tax Evasion: Some Aggregate Empirical Evidence, Steven E. Crane and Farrokh Nourzad
The Transformation of Ricardo's Principles Through the Addition of the 'On Machinery' Chapter, John B. Davis
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Solar Energy Subsidy Programs, Farrokh Nourzad, Charles Scott, and Bruce McDaniel
Submissions from 1983
Industry Growth, Labor Compensation, and Labor's Share of Value Added in US Manufacturing, 1967-1979, Brian C. Brush and Steven E. Crane
Submissions from 1981
What Do Labor Productivity Data Show about Economies of Scale: Comment, Brian Brush
Submissions from 1979
Review of Contested Terrain, John B. Davis
Submissions from 1978
Errors in the Measurement of Concentration and the Advertising-Concentration Controversy, Brian Brush
Illinois Gross State Product, John B. Davis
Poverty in Illinois, John B. Davis
Submissions from 1976
The Influence of Market Structure on Industry Advertising Intensity, Brian C. Brush
Submissions from 1974
Externalities, Second Best and Tim as a Public Bad in Urban Transportation Policy, Masatoshi A. Abe
Submissions from 1973
Dynamic Microeconomic Models of Production, Investment and Technological Change of the U.S. and Japanese Iron and Steel Industries, Masatoshi Abe
Pricing and Welfare in urban Transportation, Masatoshi A. Abe
Submissions from 1972
The Growth Path of Firms and the Development Process of the Economy: The Case of Japan, Masatoshi A. Abe