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Nano-Micro Letters
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The resonant frequency of metamaterials structured with split ring resonator (SRR) meta-atoms is determined primarily through the capacitance and inductance of the individual meta-atoms. Two designs that vary inductance incrementally were modeled, simulated, fabricated, and tested to investigate the role inductance plays in metamaterial designs. The designs consisted of strategically adding sections to the SRR to increase the inductance, but in a manner that minimized capacitance variations. Each design showed a shift in resonant frequency that was proportional to the length of the added section. As the length of each section was increased, the resonant frequency shifted from 2.78 GHz to 2.18 GHz.
Recommended Citation
Langley, Derrick; Coutu, Ronald A. Jr.; and Collins, Peter J., "Using Inductance as a Tuning Parameter for RF Meta-atoms" (2012). Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Research and Publications. 359.
ADA accessible version
Published version. Nano-Micro Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 2012): 103-109. DOI. © 2012 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature. This article is published under an open access license.
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Ronald A. Coutu, Jr. was affiliated with the Air Force Institute of Technology at the time of publication.