Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Educational Administration


Educational Policy and Leadership

First Advisor

Frank L. Stevens

Second Advisor

Robert B. Nordberg

Third Advisor

Mary Alan Cannon


The presence of "counselors," "advisors" or resident assistants in residence halls is far from a modern innovation. In fact, the concept of staff personnel living in the halls and on the floor with students dates back to the developmental years of the "house system" at Oxford and Cambridge in the early 14th Century. Originally students selected their own 11principal11 or "pedagogue" to act as their house leader. Each house was autonomous, democratic and self-governing, setting up their own financial. and disciplinary regulations. The university exercised no authority over the principals or the students. As time went on however, special hostels were endowed by generous .founders .for poorer students, and the university gradually began to assert its authority by selecting the principals or "pedagogues" who were to supervise the students.
