Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
First Advisor
Robert B. Nordberg
Second Advisor
Roman A. Bernert
Does the weather affect the results of the IQ test as it does achievement tests? If an IQ test were given on a rainy, cloudy day, would the results be poorer than if it were given on a normal day? The hypothesis does not imply that one's innate capacity is influenced by the weather. Rather, it questions whether the IQ as recorded on a rainy, dreary day will actualize that capacity as well as under more favorable conditions.
Recommended Citation
Huber, Mary E., "The Relation of Sunny versus Dreary Weather to the IQ of Fourty-Four Eighth Grade Pupils" (1963). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 1128.