Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Francis P. Prucha


In a treaty with the Sioux, the Chippewas and several other Indian tribes: at Prairie du Chien in August, 1825", the United States attempted to establish boundaries between the various tribes which were represented, thus cutting down on the age-old wars between them. Article 12 of that treaty provided that a council should be held with the Chippewas upon Lake Superior some time during the year 1826. This stipulation was inserted at the request of' the Chippewa chiefs in order that they have an opportunity to explain to the warriors the obligations and advantages of that treaty.1 The Chippewa tribe extended from Lake Erie to the heads of the Mississippi and Lake Winepeek, and they were so widely separated that they had no common authority which could exercise general control. William Clark, one of the commissioners at the treaty of Prairie du Chien, felt that there was a fair representation of Chippewas present, considering their dispersed condition.2 In reality only a small portion of them attended, and it was hoped that by convening the whole group at some central point in their own country, the necessity of adhering rigidly to their treaty stipulations, and the consequences of violating them, could be fully laid before them. In this way the Government might secure a formal and renewed assent of the Chippewas to the pacification entered into between them and the Sioux at Prairie du Chien.

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