Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




Different methods, techniques, and types of programs are explained and discussed. Personal experiences of the author in television instruction are described. General outcomes showed favorable results for the use of closed circuit television in the classroom. Areas of lesson objective achievement, program presentation and correlation, and student response were evaluated. Forty-two evaluations were compiled from a sample of fifteen telecast lessons. Thirty lessons had been produced and presented by school personnel. The compilation of written evaluations favored the use of closed circuit television as an effective means of instruction. Additional work, time, and planning involved in television presentation resulted in more worthwhile and effective teaching. Results showed that closed circuit television instruction use should be an integral part of the curriculum. Effective methods had not been established for evaluation of this medium. Each lesson telecast became an experiment for new ideas, procedures, and presentations. Evaluations of the telecasts were made. Better teaching and learning was gained through experimentation and experience. Implications indicated a need for more extensive use of closed circuit television instruction in the classroom. Further study and experimentation is needed to reinforce these results. Better means of evaluating and testing must be formulated for television instruction.
