Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Alfred Low


In July, 1936, a military revolt began in Spain which, within a matter of weeks, made Spain the focus of attention for the governments of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Substantial segments of the Spanish nation, especially the military, had never accepted the Republic which had been proclaimed in 1931 after the last Bourbon monarch, Alphonso XIII, had been forced to abdicate . The Monarchists had never accepted the disappearance of the monarchy and they rallied to the side of t he military rebels because they believed that the chances of a Bourbon restoration would be greater under a conservative military regime. The Carlists who had their main strength in the province of Navarre and who favored a different branch of the Bourbon family also rallied to the side of the rebels. The Church favored the military rebels because they represented the conservative order and the continued privileges of the Roman Catholic Church in Spain. Finally the growing Fascist party, called the Falange, under the charismatic leadership of the young Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, backed the rebellion out of hatred for the Republic and fear that it was coming under the dominance of the leftist groups in Spain.
