Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

W. W. Theisen

Second Advisor

David E. Willis


Throughout the United states, there is a growing awareness of the great waste in human resources that exists in this country because it is estimated that almost half of the young people of high ability terminate their formal education with graduation from high school or even earlier. There is a widespread conviction among educators and laymen alike that guidance and training of the best minds within each generation of America's youth are the nation's most effective safeguard for the present and the future. There seems to be almost universal agreement that a vigorous effort must be made on a national scale to identify young people with outstanding ability, to give them encouragement and support, and to provide them with a broad liberal education and training that will enable them to make contributions to the social order consonant with their high aptitudes.
