Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Rising prices, shortages in housing, medical care, and other goods and services have brought about a new interest on the part of consumers in cooperative ventures.
On the other hand, businessmen confronted with steepling prices and business costs, together with unprecedented tax burdens, have begun a vigorous assault not only upon the allegedly favored tax status of cooperatives but also upon their aims, methods, and accomplishments. Unfortunately, the controversy has been waged for the most part in an atmosphere of acrimony. The attack upon cooperatives has been marked with a virulence seldom tempered by objectivity. As so frequently happens the assaults have had dual effects. On the one side, they have resulted in increased pressure for investigation; on the other, the publicity given the battle has undoubtedly brought cooperatives to the attention of thousands of consumers who, up to now, hardly knew of the existence of the movement.
Recommended Citation
Kunick, M. Celeste, "The Role of Consumers Cooperatives in the American Economy: An Evaluation" (1952). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 1492.