Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

George Willett


The problem of consolidation of school districts in Minnesota has been a subject of discussion during a considerable period of years. Only within the past four or five years has reorganization been more actively supported and in many instances, progress been made.

Within the past two years districts in the majority of the Minnesota counties, have made great strides forward in consolidation. Many districts have already united to form one unit, others are on the verge of consolidation, while others are still in the planning stage. Polk County is a county that still has a long way to go before the suggestions of the county survey committee are fulfill ed.

In order to present a more complete picture of reorganization, this pa per begins with a general view of reorganization in Minnesota and then discusses more detailed progress made in Polk County with emphasis on District 230. Statistical data found in this paper was obtained largely from pamphlets issued by the Minnesota State Department of Education, the County Superintendent's Office, the County School District Survey Committee, and from the Superintendent's Office of District 230.
