Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
First Advisor
Mike Kurimay
Three stereotypes are particularly damaging to the reputation of Catholic education. Catholic school administrators are stereotyped as 1) enrolling only the brightest students, 2) freely expelling problem students , and 3) serving a nearly exclusively white wealthy clientele. If these three stereotypes are evidenced in Catholic schools, Catholic education can be considered elitist rather than Christian. If the three stereotypes can be discredited, Catholic education can persevere as a principled alternative to public education for disadvantaged and minority students.
Recommended Citation
Sanfelippo, Rebecca S., "Catholic School Research and the Education of Disadvantaged and Minority Students" (1992). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 1747.
An Essay submitted to the Graduate School, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Education Milwaukee, Wisconsin