Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

John Treacy

Second Advisor

David E. Willis


As a student progresses from elementary grades to high school, he narrows his number and kind of school courses to a considerable extent. When the student plans to study four or five subjects, he has to make choices of these to t he exclusion of other subjects which the high school curriculum contains. It is with guiding of choices of subjects in high school as wisely as possible that the present study is concerned. Aside from the cumulative materials relating to past student history, the school guidance personnel may choose other measures which they consider rather stable and useful in advising the study of one course or another, such as test results, student rank in class, past achievement, or teacher recommendations. Student rank in class and past achievement can be obtained by inspecting school records, and teacher recommendations are usually obtainable upon request. By comparison, the selection of a standardized testing instrument is quite complex. The kinds of standardized tests are numerous and put more of a burden on investigation prior to selection. There is a variety of tests currently available, each one contributing more effectively in one situation than in another. It was to determine the efficacy of a standardized test or past achievement to aid in making suitable choices of some high school subjects that the present study was conducted.


A Research Paper Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Education Degree, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
