Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Roman A. Bernert


Perhaps no single event has more affected contemporary American education than the Russians' launching of Sputnik I. This single incident was an embarrassing disclosure of our mediocre intellectual training. Since that fateful day educators have been bullied by public opinion, governmental agencies, and industry into effecting the scientific boom in education. Although the public schools and the National Educational Association bore the brunt of criticism, private education did not escape unscathed. All schoolmen were responsible for the general vagueness of educational objectives. There were, however, certain re-awakenings in some quarters. Even before the dramatic events of October 4, 1957, curricular crises were taking place in American Jesuit secondary education. The traditional classical curriculum was being questioned in regard to its feasibility and its revelance. The impact of the space age upon this deliberation can only be conjectured.


A Research Paper submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Education Department, Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education Milwaukee, Wisconsin
