Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Leo Joseph Lins


With the First Provincial Council of Baltimore in 1829 was born the Catholic school system in the United States. Priests, Sisters, Brothers and laymen accepted the roles of teachers in these schools and help/ed mold that which is Catholic education in the United States today. In our nation's history of Catholic education, priests, Sisters and Brothers have provided the major teaching force in these schools. However, it is to be remembered, a small number of laymen have been a part of the Catholic school system from its very inception. In the past few fears due largely to the inability of religious orders to provide sufficient teachers for the ever increasing demand of expanded and new facilities of Catholic education, Catholic laymen have been called upon in greater numbers to take up the work of the Apostolate in the Catholic schools. _


A Research Paper Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of' Education. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
