Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Engineering (ME)


Electrical and Computer Engineering


When a light energy with "proper" wavelength shines on a material the electrical conductivity of this material may increase. Excess charge carriers are generated in this material when it absorbs the photon energy of the impinging light. This phenomenon is known as photo-excitation and the material in which photo-excitation can occur is known as the photoconductor. The increase of the electric conductivity induced by the photoexcitation in the photoconductor is known as the photoconductivity. The energy "E" and hence the wavelength of the impinging light required for inducing photo-excitation in a material depends on the energy band gap of this material.


Essay for the M.S.E.E. degree Department of Electrical Engineering Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
