
Maria Allen

Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Lew Wearing


This paper is a diplomatic study of Anglo-German relations from March 1938 through October 1, 1938, from the Anschluss of Austria to the Munich Agreement. During this period of history the world is a witness to the Sudeten German problem; thus, it becomes necessary to study the activities of both Governments in relation to the Czech State.

Czechoslovakia, a state of minorities, had numerous political organizations, the most important of which, was the "Sudetendeutsche Partie" through which the Nazi Government had successfully worked for the destruction of the Czech State. Although, ·in reality, the minority groups of this State had been treated better than in other countries the Sudeten Germans had made increasing demands, which finally led to an open crises, and a fear of a world war.

Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, had adopted a policy of appeasement, and the role of mediator for his country, Therefore, through the communications of the leaders, ministers, and ambassadors of Germany, Great Britain, and Czechoslovakia, a more complete understanding of this period has been achieved.

It has been my aim to present in brief a political history of Czechoslovakia from 1919 through 1938; a limited account of the Government's treatment of the Sudeten Germans and the activities of President Benes, Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, and Konrad Henlein, as exemplified through their exchange of ideas, proposals for peaceful solutions, and the participation in conferences.

Although, an extensive nμmber of footnotes have been taken from the Documents on German Foreign Policy, Series D, Volume III, of equal value has been the Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, Third-Series, Volumes I-III. Other primary and secondary sources used have been listed in the selective bibliography at the end of this paper.
