"A Proposal for Teaching Learning Disabled Students Study Skills" by Andrea Sophia Topetzes

Date of Award

Fall 1982

Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted


The present investigation is concerned with examining the application and effectiveness of teaching study skills to Learning Disabled (LO) students. Children with learning disabilities of ten have a deficiency in learning tasks that are heavily dependent on the mastery of study skills. with the increasing amount of mainstreaming in the regular classroom it has become more apparent that the acquisition of these study skills require serious consideration. This study will serve to survey and assess the current picture of the study skills taught to the general school population(GSP). One goal of this current research is to examine the differences between the learning disabled population and the general school population. Another goal of this study is to investigate and explore the possible adaptation of a study skills curriculum suitable for learning disabled (LO) students to meet their specific needs. The results of these approaches will be supplemented by sample materials and exercises used in study skills preparing learning disabled students for mainstreaming.
