"Presence: Core to Caring, Nursing and Spirituality" by Nickijo L. Hager

Date of Award

Spring 1992

Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Presence is more than a nursing intervention, it is a way of being within the role of nurse. Presence generates caring, human to human connections and relationships which serve as a basis from which the caring work of professional nursing practice can emerge. Presence to another is also a means for both client and nurse to experience spirituality. Presence is core to caring, nursing and spirituality. This paper describes the nursing intervention presence, identifies behaviors and "ways of being" required for nurses who choose to execute the intervention and links the concept to the professional practice of nursing, to caring and to spirituality. Nursing theory and literature which clarify and support the use of presence as a nursing intervention are reviewed as is literature which asserts that the concept is a core component of nursing, caring and spirituality. Professional nursing practice requires nurses "to presence themselves" to consistently execute the caring work and to develop a sense of the sacred spirit, hidden in nursing, that is felt when persons are willing to fully enact presence in their work.
