"Effects on Self-Concept After Participating in a Six-Week Course on Se" by Judy Walz Gollin

Date of Award

Summer 1979

Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Wallenborn, Lorraine

Second Advisor

Viehl, Marjorie


Based on the premise that the nucleus of the human system is the individual's valuation of himself, the researcher explored the effects on one's self-concept after participating in a six-week course on self-awareness, perception, and stress management. A forty-item self-concept inventory was compiled in the form of self-descriptive statements, or hypothetical monologues. This inventory was completed by subjects before and after the six-week course. Through measurement of the same variable, namely the components of self- concept, it was hypothetically possible to determine whether or not one's self-concept is enhanced after participating in a six-week course evolving around self-awareness and self control.
