Frank Kleinholz
American, 1901 - 1987
Forbidden Fruit, 1969
13 x 19 in
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Radcliff
Collection of the Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University

When one considers the collections of fans, they are likely to imagine a collection of objects. Comic books, Funko Pops, movie paraphernalia, and Pokemon cards are all examples of things that one might collect and display as an expression of their fandoms. Yet fans create and curate collections not just of objects, but of facts and knowledge as well. Fans display that knowledge when they share information about their fan objects. While an outsider to the fandom might find an overflowing of this knowledge strange or even off-putting, within fandom it can serve as a kind of capital, similar to that of collectible objects—both being evidence of one’s devotion to the fan object.

Brooklyn-born Frank Kleinholz studied painting under Yasuo Kuniyoshi and Sol Wilson. Kleinholz focused on urban life in New York, Brooklyn and Coney Island, as well as intimate scenes of parents and children as well as flowers and birds. His style is marked by vivid color, energetic brushwork, geometric shapes, gestural linework, shortened perspective, and elements of dream and fantasy, and his work contrasts underlying themes of alienation and striving, despair and caring, social criticism and exuberant individualism.

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