The Library Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's library faculty.
Submissions from 2011
Review [of Mark Clatterbuck Demons, Saints and Patriots: Catholic Visions of Native America through The Indian Sentinel (1902-1962)], Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 2010
A Survey of Copyright Workflows for Institutional Repositories (poster session), Ann Hanlon and Marisa Ramirez
Collaboration in a University Wellness Initiative, Martha G. Jermé
Partnering for Student Success: Promoting Integrative Learning in Information Literacy Instruction, Scott Mandernack
Resident’s Life: The Libraries Residency Program at Marquette University, Scott Mandernack
Breechclouts: Full and Modified, Mark G. Thiel
Library Advocacy in the Campus Environment, Jean Zanoni and Scott Mandernack
Submissions from 2009
Investigating Primary Source Literacy, Joanne Archer, Ann Hanlon, and Jennie A. Levine
A Collaborative Workflow for Digitization of Unique Materials, Gretchen Gueguen and Ann Hanlon
Buelita Lupe, Heather James
Stylus, Heather G. James
The Promise of Diversity in the Library Community, Janice Simmons-Welburn and William C. Welburn
Catholic Ladders and Native American Evangelization, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 2008
Transforming the Library: The Case for Libraries to End Incremental Measures and Solve Problems for Their Campuses Now, Janice Simmons-Welburn, Georgie Donovan, and Laura Bender
Submissions from 2007
Origins of the Jingle Dress Dance, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 2006
Digitization, Donor Relations, and Undergraduate Instruction, Matt Blessing
An Anniversary Opportunity: Digitization of Student Yearbooks, James Lowrey and Matt Blessing
Changin' in the DLC: Implications for Space Planning, Scott Mandernack
Black Elk's Legacy, Mark G. Thiel
Peace Medals and the Great Father, Mark G. Thiel
Leadership Lessons in a Climate of Social Transformation, Janice Welburn and William C. Welburn
Submissions from 2004
Reuben Gold Thwaites and the Historical Resurrection of Lewis and Clark, Matt Blessing
Libraries Dealing with the Future Now, Joseph M. Brewer, Sheril J. Hook, Janice Welburn-Simmons, and Karen Williams
The Invented Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien: Drawings and Original Manuscripts from the Marquette University Collection, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University
Human Resource Management in Today's Academic Library: Meeting Challenges and Creating Opportunities, Janice Welburn and Beth McNeil
Submissions from 2003
American Indian Baseball, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 2001
A Library Research Strategy for Communication, Scott Mandernack
The Emerging Reference Paradigm: A Vision of Reference Services in a Complex Information Environment, Scott Mandernack and John W. Fritch
Cultivating Partnerships/Realizing Diversity, Janice Simmons-Welburn and William C. Welburn
Kidwell, Clara S., Mark G. Thiel
Sacred White Buffalo, Mother Mary Catherine [Josephine Crowfeather, Ptesanwanyakapi, Ptesanwasyagapiwin], Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 2000
Changing Roles of Library Professionals, Janice Simmons-Welburn
Submissions from 1999
An Issue in Search of a Metaphor: Readings on the Marriageability of Libraries and Computing Centers, Robert S. Freeman, Scott B. Mandernack, and John Mark Tucker
Diversity Dialogue Groups, Janice Simmons-Welburn
Submissions from 1998
Catholic Sodalities among the Sioux, 1882-1910, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1997
Labor, the Law, and Economics: The Organization of the Chicago Flat Janitors' Union, 1902-1917, John Jentz
Submissions from 1995
Index to the Catholic Directories for the United States with Appended Countries, 1817, 1822, 1833-, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1994
Politicians and the Press in the Archives: A Case Study in Milwaukee, Matt Blessing
Introducing Electronic Information Services to First-Year Composition Students: Pedagogical and Practical Concerns, Scott Mandernack
Cultural Awareness and Bibliographic Instruction in Academic Libraries, Scott Mandernack, Poping Lin, and David M. Hovde
Interfacing with Catholic and Native American Archives, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1993
Selected Readings on Bibliographic Instruction, 1980-1992, Scott Mandernack and John Mark Tucker
Cuny, Sr. Genevieve [dictionary entry], Mark G. Thiel
Juneau, Josette, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1992
Kateri Tekakwitha: A Premier Symbol for Native American Evangelization, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1991
Class and Politics in an Emerging Industrial City: Chicago in the 1860s and 1870s, John Jentz
Government Indian Office Disapproves of Indian Congress Sodalities Begin Decline: Part II Continued from December, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1990
An Assessment of Education and Training Needs for Bibliographic Instruction Librarians, Scott Mandernack
Sodalities Strengthened Faith of Dioceses' Indians, Mark G. Thiel
The Omaha Dance in Oglala and Sicangu Sioux History, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1984
Artisan Culture and the Organization of Chicago's German Workers in the Gilded Age, 1860 to 1890, John Jentz
Submissions from 1981
The Antislavery Constituency in Jacksonian New York City, John Jentz
Submissions from 1973
In Pursuit of Dancing the Indian Way: Part I, Mark G. Thiel
In Pursuit of Dancing the Indian Way: Part II, Mark G. Thiel
In Pursuit of Dancing the Indian Way: Part III, Mark G. Thiel
Submissions from 1962
Medicine and Literature: Doctors in Both Faculties, William B. Ready