Message From the Spiritual Advisor
Dino Lorenzetti
President's Page
Eugene F. Diamond
From the Editor's Desk
John P. Mullooly
Presentation of the Linacre Quarterly Award for 1979 to Prof. Arthur Dyck by John P. Mullooly, M.D.
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Suicide Among Psychiatrists: Theological Reflections
Kevin D. O'Rourke
Power and Pity: Two Responses to Suffering Humanity
Sebastian MacDonald
How Much Should a Child Cost? A Response to Paul Johnson
James Burtchaell
The Saikewicz Decision and Patient Autonomy
Daniel E. Lee
Human Rights and Medicine in Soviet-Occupied Lithuania
Linas Sidrys and Rima Sidrys
Abortion Entitlement: Absolute or Qualified?
J.M.B. Crawford
[Book Review of] Life and Death with Liberty and Justice, by Germain Grisez and Joseph M. Boyle, Jr.
Patrick J. Coffey
[Book Review of] Principles of Biomedical Ethics, by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress
Terrence R. Ackerman
[Book Review of] Beyond Abortion: The Theory and Practice of the Secular State, by Charles E. Rice
Richard R. Roach
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild