Catholic Physicians' Guild
Message from the Spiritual Advisor
Dino Lornzetti
President's Page
David P. Frelinger
From the Editor's Desk
John P. Mullooly
Education in Wholesome Chastity National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds' Position Paper on Sex Education
Catholic Physicians' Guild
The Order to Treat: Judicial Intervention in Benign Neglect of Defective Infants
Dennis J. Horan and Marianne E. Guerrini
On Attitudes Toward Death and the Cost of Dying
Edward J. O'Boyle
[Book Review of] Ethics Teaching and Higher Education, edited by Daniel Callahan and Sissela Bok
Donald McCarthy
[Book Review of] The Psychosurgery Debate: Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives, edited by Elliot S. Valenstein
Michael P. McQuillen
[Book Review of] New Technologies of Birth and Death - Medical, Legal, and Moral Dimensions
Ronald D. Lawler
[Book Review of] The Emergence of Roman Catholic Medical Ethics in North America, by David F. Kelly
John R. Connery
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild