Letter ...
Charles E. Rice
President's Page: A Personal History
Herbert M. Nakata
From the Editor's Desk: Publications Give 'Right Answers'
John P. Mullooly
Recognition Given at NFCPG Philadelphia Meeting
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Orphan Embryos
John R. Connery
A Commentary on the Cases of Baby Jane Doe
Eugene F. Diamond
A Doctor's Prayer
Wilfred Snodgrass
Commentary on the Apostolic Exhortation on Human Suffering
Dino Lorenzetti
Review of 'The Physician's Responsibility Toward Hopelessly Ill Patients'
Thomas J. O'Donnell
Book Reviews of Two Reviews of Selective Nontreatment of Handicapped Newborns by Robert
F. Weir -- Fundamentals of Ethics by John Finnis -- The Way of the Lord Jesus, Volume One:
Christian Moral Principles by Germain Grisez
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Address to the Francois-Charon Centre for the Handicapped
Pope John Paul II
The Pope John Center: Labor, Delivery and the First Decade
Donald G. McCarthy