Catholic Physicians' Guild
Message from the Spiritual Advisor: Killing Brings Condemnation
Dino J. Lorenzetti
President's Page: Love is Charity
William Peters
From the Editor's Desk: Withdrawal of Life Support Systems
John P. Mullooly
From the Episcopal Advisor: Space Age Conflict
Nicholas T. Elko
The Physician's Responsibility Toward Sacred Human Life
Paul A. Byrne, William F. Colliton, Eugene F. Diamond, Richard F. Duncan, Timothy R. Fangman, Ralph J. Kramper, Jerome L. L'Ecuyer, Joseph R. McCaslin, Frank G. Simon, Jerome T.Y. Shen, and Wilbur L. Williams
Luke, the Physician
John Crowley
Catholic Ethical Teaching and Public Policy: How Do They Relate?
Dennis J. Horan and Edward R. Grant
The Christian as Healer
George R. Simms
Moral Considerations in Rationing Health Care
Robert J. Barnet
The Awesome Journey: Rites of Passage in Medical Education
Walter W. Benjamin
[Book Review of] Ethical Issues in Family Medicine, by Ronald J. Christie and C. Barry Hoffmaster
Robert J. Barnet
[Book Review of] Medical Ethics: Common Ground for Understanding, by O'Rourke/Brodeur
John R. Connery
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild