Message from the Spiritual Advisor: The Search for Solutions
Dino J. Lorenzetti
From the Editor's Desk: To Save and Guide the World
John P. Mullooly
The Physician: A Normative Artist: A Brief Analysis
Herbert Ratner
Active Euthanasia in America: The Domino Falls
Michael Allsopp
The Ethics of Human Embryo Experimentation
Hiram Caton
Pope Pius XII and "Medicla Treatments"
Orville Griese
AIDS and Advocate Science
Eugene F. Diamond
The Catholic Moral Tradition on Providing Food and Fluids
Elizabeth McMillan
An Approach to Weighing the Benefits and Burdens of Artificial Hydration and
Mary L. Lussier
Access to Health Care by the Poor: Two Solutions to a Growing Crisis
Michael A. Mascari
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild