Letter to the Editor
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Message From the Spiritual Advisor
Dino J. Lorenzetti
President's Page
Thomas M. Hughes
From the Editor's Desk
John P. Mullooly
National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds Proposed Position Paper Statement on Prevention of AIDS By Condoms
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Death of a 78-Year Old Woman
E. Michael McCann
Paul Ramsey: In Memoriam
William E. May
Humanae Vitae and Contraception: A Forgotten Argument
Patrick Coffey
A Thousand Lost Goltballs
Michael G. Lamb
Newman on Medicine and Morals
James Gaffney
A Right to Health Care Fact or Fiction?
Robert Barnet
A Case for Literary Malpractice: The Use of Camus's The Plague in American Medical Schools
Eric H. Deudon
Medical Crises and Moral Renaissance
Kenneth L. Vaux
Why Did He Die in Three Hours?: Thoughts on the Crucifixion
Edward A. Brucker
[Book Review of] Catholic Identity in Health Care: Principles and Practice, by Msgr. Orville N. Griese
Eugene F. Diamond
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild