Message From the Spiritual Advisor
Dino J. Lorenzetti
Eulogy Given at the Funeral of Dennis J. Horan
Eugene F. Diamond
President's Page
Thomas M. Hughes
From the Editor's Desk
John P. Mullooly
The Luce lectures on Religion and the Social Crisis -- Morality in Plague Time: AIDS in Theological Perspective -- Lecture 1: Sickness and Sin
Gilbert Meilaender
The Luce lectures on Religion and the Social Crisis -- Morality in Plague Time: AIDS in Theological Perspective -- Lecture 2: Obligations - Caring for the Sick
Gilbert Meilaender
The Luce lectures on Religion and the Social Crisis -- Morality in Plague Time: AIDS in Theological Perspective -- Lecture 3: Virtues - Protecting the Healthy
Gilbert Meilaender
Some Ethical Reflections on AIDS
Michael LaChat
Addendum: The Values of Riverside Methodist Hospital and Their Prioritization in Light of the AIDS Controversy
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Categorical Listing of Articles in Linacre Quarterly, 1978 Through 1987
Catholic Physicians' Guild
Current Literature
Catholic Physicians' Guild