
Submissions from 2023


Aortic Remodeling Kinetics in Response to Coarctation-Induced Mechanical Perturbations, Arash Ghorbannia, Mehdi Maadooliat, Ronald K. Woods, Said H. Audi, Brandon J. Tefft, Claudio Chiastra, El Sayed H. Ibrahim, and John F. LaDisa Jr.


Connecting Mathematical Modeling and Social Justice through Problem Posing, Hyunyi Jung and Marta T. Magiera

Submissions from 2022


Assessment of Protection Offered By the NRF2 Pathway Against Hyperoxia-Induced Acute Lung Injury in NRF2 Knockout Rats, Said H. Audi, Elizabeth R. Jacobs, Taheri Pardis, Swetha Ganesh, and Anne V. Clough


Bayes Estimation of Autocorrelation Coefficient, Madhusudan Bhandary, Hongying Dai, Naveen K. Bansal, and Hyejin Shin


A Computationally Efficient Framework for Vector Representation of Persistence Diagrams, Kit C. Chan, Umar Islambekov, Alexey Luchinsky, and Rebecca Sanders


Disjoint and Simultaneously Hypercyclic Pseudo-shifts, Nurhan Çolakoğlu, Özgür Martin, and Rebecca Sanders


Supporting Pre-Service Teachers' Argumentation-Focused Visions of Mathematics Teaching and Learning in a Teacher Preparation Program, Marta T. Magiera, Vecihi S. Zambak, and Hyejin Park

Submissions from 2021


A New Extended Alpha Power Transformed Family of Distributions: Properties, Characterizations and an Application to a Data Set in the Insurance Sciences, Zubair Ahmad, Eisa Mahmoudi, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


On the Gumbel-Burr XII Distribution: Regression and Application, Raid Al-Aqtash, Avishek Mallick, Gholamhossein Hamedani, and Mahmoud Aldeni


A New Generalized Modified Weibull Distribution, Morad Alizadeh, Muhammad Nauman Khan, Mahdi Rasekhi, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


Marshall-Olkin Alpha Power Rayleigh Distribution: Properties, Characterizations, Estimation and Engineering Applications, Ehab M. Almetwally, Ahmed Z. Afify, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


Impact of Follow-Up Visit Timing Recommendations After Dental Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia, Naveen K. Bansal, Stacy Michels, and Colleen Greene


The Unit Generalized Log Burr XII Distribution: Properties and Application, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Azeem Ali, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Munir Ahmad


On the Burr XII-Power Cauchy Distribution: Properties and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Mashail M. Al Sobhi, and Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz


Characterizations and Reliability Measures of the Generalized Log Burr XII Distribution, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Azeem Ali, Sedigheh Mirzaei Salehabadi, and Munir Ahmad


On the Extended Chen Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Seyed Morteza Najibi, and Munir Ahmad


On the Burr XII-moment Exponential Distribution, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, Menhui Sheng, and Azeem Ali


Texture Consumption Patterns of 8- to 12-Month-Old Infants: A Reflection of Typical Feeding Development, Amy Delaney, Megan Van Hoorn, Sarah Staskiewicz, Mary B. Feuling, Stephanie Pladies, Naveen K. Bansal, and Praveen S. Goday


Tomescu's Graph Coloring Conjecture for 𝓁-Connected Graphs, John Engbers, Aysel Erey, Jacob Fox, and Xiaoyu He


Independent Sets in n-Vertex k-Chromatic l-Connected Graphs, John Engbers, Lauren Keough, and Taylor Short


Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis, Hossein Haghbin, Seyed Morteza Najibi, Rahim Mahmoudvand, Jordan Trinka, and Mehdi Maadooliat


The Type I Quasi Lambert Family: Properties, Characterizations and Different Estimation Methods., Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, Nadeem Shafique Butt, and Haitham M. Yousof


Characterizations of the Discrete Lindley and Discrete Poisson-Lindley Distributions, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani and Mahrokh Najaf


Remarks on and Characterizations of 2S-Lindley and 2D-Lindley Distributions Introduced by Chesneau et al. (2020), Gholamhossein Hamedani and Mahrokh Najaf


Poisson Transmuted-G Family of Distributions: Its Properties and Applications, Laba Handique, Subrata Chakraborty, M. S. Eliwa, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


A New Extended Generalized Gompertz Distribution with Statistical Properties and Simulations, Hamid Karamikabir, Mahmoud Afshari, Morad Alizadeh, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


Rapid Entry into Masters in Computing Program for Non-Majors, Gary S. Krenz, Thomas Kaczmarek, and John C. Moyer


Improvements in Storm Surge Surrogate Modeling for Synthetic Storm Parameterization, Node Condition Classification and Implementation to Small Size Databases, Aikaterini P. Kyprioti, Alexandros A. Taflanidis, Matthew Plumlee, Taylor G. Asher, Elaine T. Spiller, Richard A. Luettich Jr., Brian Blanton, Tracy L. Kijewski-Correa, Andrew Kennedy, and Lauren Schmied


A Surrogate-Based Approach to Nonlinear, non-Gaussian Joint State-Parameter Data Assimilation, John Maclean and Elaine T. Spiller


Exploring Prospective 1-8 Teachers' Number and Operation Sense in the Context of Fractions, Marta T. Magiera and Leigh A. Van den Kieboom


Prospective K-8 teachers’ Noticing of Student Justifications and Generalizations in the Context of Analyzing Written Artifacts and Video-Records, Marta T. Magiera and Vecihi S. Zambak


Estimation of Parameters in Multivariate Wrapped Models for Data on a p-torus, Anahita Nodehi, Mousa Golalizadeh, Mehdi Maadooliat, and Claudio Agostinelli


An mCARE Study on Patterns of Risk and Resilience for Children with ASD in Bangladesh, Masud Rabbani, Munirul Haque, Dipranjan Das, Md. Ishrak Islam Zarif, Anik Iqbal, Amy Schwichtenberg, Naveen K. Bansal, Tanjir Rashid Soron, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed


The Fréchet Topp Leone-G Family of Distributions: Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Hesham Mohammed Reyad, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, Ahmed Z. Afify, Gholamhossein Hamedani, and Soha Othman


New Class of Probability Distributions Arising from Teissier Distribution, Sudhanshu V. Singh, Mohammed Elgarhy, Zubair Ahmad, Vikas Kumar Sharma, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


The Transmuted Inverted Nadarajah-Haghighi Distribution with an Application to Lifetime Data, Aliyeh Toumaj, S.M.T.K. MirMostafaee, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


A New Parametric Lifetime Distribution with Modified Chi-square Type Test for Right Censored Validation, Characterizations and Different Estimation Methods, Haitham M. Yousof, Khaoula Aidi, Gholamhossein Hamedani, and Mohammed Ibrahim


A New Discrete Distribution: Properties, Characterizations, Modeling Real Count Data, Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Estimations, Haitham M. Yousof, Christophe Chesneau, Gholamhossein Hamedani, and Mohamed Ibrahim

Submissions from 2020


Odd Generalized N-H Generated Family of Distributions With Application to Exponential Model, Zubair Ahmad, M. Elgarhy, Gholamhossein Hamedani, and Nadeem Shafique Butt


The Transmuted Odd Log-Logistic-G Family of Distributions, Morad Alizadeh, Haitham M. Yousof, S.M.A. Jahanshahi, Seyed Morteza Najibi, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


Survivors of Chronic Stroke Experience Continued Impairment of Dexterity But Not Strength in the Nonparetic Upper Limb, Alexander J. Barry, Kristen M. Triandafilou, Mary Ellen Stoykov, Naveen K. Bansal, Elliot J. Roth, and Derek G. Kamper


A Structural Characterisation of Av(1324) and New Bounds On Its Growth Rate, David Bevan, Robert Brignall, Andrew Elvey Price, and Jay Pantone


On the New Modified Dagum Distribution: Properties and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Munir Ahmad


Cubic Rank Transmuted Modified Burr III Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Seyed Morteza Najibi, and Munir Ahmad


Collective Spectral Density Estimation and Clustering for Spatially-Correlated Data, Tianbo Chen, Ying Sun, and Mehdi Maadooliat


The Actin Cytoskeletal Network Plays a Role in Yeast Prion Transmission and Contributes to Prion Stability, Jane E. Dorweiler, Mitchell J. Oddo, Douglas R. Lyke, Jacob A. Reilly, Brett T. Wisniewski, Emily E. Davis, Abigail M. Kuborn, Stephen J. Merrill, and Anita L. Manogaran


Silos, Snow Cones, Railroad Spikes, and Spherical Coordinates, John Engbers and Adam Hammett


Inextricably Linked: A Trigonometric Coupling, John Engbers, Adam Hammett, and Ian Hogan


Colored Multipermutations and a Combinatorial Generalization of Worpitzky’s Identity, John Engbers, Jay Pantone, and Christopher Stocker


Characterizations of the New Poisson-Weighted Exponential and the Exponentiated Weibull-Geometric Discrete Distributions, Gholamhossein Hamedani


New Methods to Define Heavy-Tailed Distributions with Applications to Insurance Data, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Yinglin Liu, Muhammad Ilayas, Saima K. Khosa, Eisa Muhmoudi, Zubair Ahmad, and Dost Muhammad Khan


Characterizations of Exponentiated Generalized Power Lindley and Geometric-Zero Truncated Poisson Distributions, Gholamhossein Hamedani and Shirin Nezampour


Characterizations of Three (2020) Introduced Discrete Distributions, Gholamhossein Hamedani and Shirin Nezampour


Implementing Algorithmic Crisis Alerts in mHealth Systems for Veterans with PTSD, Md Sazzad Hossain, Priyanka Annapureddy, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Praveen Madiraju, Mark Flower, Lisa Rein, Thomas Kissane, Wylie Frydrychowicz, Naveen K. Bansal, Niharika Jain, Katinka Hooyer, and Zeno Franco


On a New Generalization of Pareto Distribution and its Applications, K. Jayakumar, Bindu Krishnan, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


Maintaining Rich Dialogic Interactions in the Transition to Synchronous Online Learning, Hyunyi Jung and Corey Brady


A New Generalized-upper Record Values-G Family of Lifetime Distributions, Omid Kharizmi, Ali Saadatinik, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


The Hjorth's IDB Generator of Distributions: Properties, Characterizations, Regression Modeling and Applications, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, Emrah Altun, Haitham M. Yousof, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


An Alternative Distribution to Lindley and Power Lindley Distributions with Characterizations, Different Estimation Methods and Data Applications, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


COSMIC: US-based Conversion Master's Degree in Computing, Gary S. Krenz and Thomas Kaczmarek


Effects of Hand Preference on Digit Lengths and Digit Ratios Among Children and Adults, Sanjay Kumar, Maharaj Singh, and Martin Voracek


A New Flexible Bathtub-Shaped Modification of the Weibull Model: Properties and Applications, Qinghu Liao, Zubair Ahmad, Eisa Mahmoudi, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


A Flexible Reduced Logarithmic-X Family of Distributions with Biomedical Analysis, Yinglin Liu, Muhammad Ilyas, Saima K. Khosa, Eisa Mahmoudi, Zubair Ahmad, Dost Muhammad Khan, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


Prospective K-8 Teachers' Problem Posing: Interpretations of Tasks That Promote Mathematical Argumentation, Marta T. Magiera


The Poisson Topp Leone Generator of Distributions for Lifetime Data: Theory, Characterizations and Applications, Faton Merovci, Haitham M. Yousof, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


An Autoencoder and Artificial Neural Network-based Method to Estimate Parity Status of Wild Mosquitoes from Mear-infrared Spectra, Masabho Peter Milali, Samson S. Kiware, Nicodem J. Govella, Fredros Okumu, Naveen K. Bansal, Serdar Bozdag, Jacques D. Charlwood, Marta F. Maia, Sheila B. Ogoma, Floyd E. Dowell, George Corliss, Maggy T. Sikulu-Lord, and Richard J. Povinelli


An Autoencoder and Artificial Neural Network-Based Method To Estimate Parity Status Of Wild Mosquitoes From Near-Infrared Spectra, Masabho Peter Milali, Samson S. Kiware, Nicodem J. Govella, Fredros Okumu, Naveen K. Bansal, Serdar Bozdag, Jacques D. Charlwood, Marta F. Maia, Sheila B. Ogoma, Floyd E. Dowell, George Corliss, Maggy T. Sikulu-Lord, and Richard J. Povinelli


Growth Rates of Permutation Classes: Categorization Up to the Uncountability Threshold, Jay Pantone and Vincent Vatter


Prospective Teachers' Interpretations of Mathematical Reasoning, Hyejin Park and Marta T. Magiera


A New Family of Lifetime Distributions: Theory, Application and Characterizations, Rasool Roozegar, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Leila Amiri, and Fatemeh Esfandiyari


Sufficient Dimension Folding in Regression via Distance Covariance for Matrix‐valued Predictors, Wenhui Sheng and Qingcong Yuan


Volcanic Hazard Assessment for an Eruption Hiatus, or Post-eruption Unrest Context: Modeling Continued Dome Collapse Hazards for Soufrière Hills Volcano, Elaine Spiller, Robert L. Wolpert, Sarah E. Ogburn, Eliza S. Calder, James Berger, Abani K. Patra, and E. Bruce Pitman


Marshall-Olkin Power Lomax Distribution: Properties and Estimation Based on Complete and Censored Samples, Muhammad Ahsan Ul Haq, Gholamhossein Hamedani, M. Elgarhy, and Pedro Luiz Ramos


Novel Statistical Emulator Construction for Volcanic Ash Transport Model Ash3d with Physically Motivated Measures, Qingyuan Yang, E. Bruce Pitman, Elaine Spiller, Marcus Bursik, and Andrea Bevilacqua


The Marshall-Olkin exponentiated generalized G family of distributions: properties, applications, and characterizations, Haitham M. Yousof, Mahdi Rasekhi, Morad Alizadeh, and Gholamhossein Hamedani


Supporting Grades 1–8 Pre-service Teachers’ Argumentation Skills: Constructing Mathematical Arguments in Situations that Facilitate Analyzing Cases, Vecihi S. Zambak and Marta T. Magiera

Submissions from 2019


The Zero Truncated Poisson Burr X Family of Distributions with Properties, Characterizations, Applications, and Validation Test, T. H.M. Aboulemagd, Mohammed S. Hamed, Gholamhossein Hamedani, M. M. Ali, Hafida Goual, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Haitham M. Yousof


Recent Developments in Distribution Theory: A Brief Survey and Some New Generalized Classes of distributions, Zubair Ahmad, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, and Nadeem Shafique Butt


The Extended Alpha Power Transformed Family of Distributions: Properties and Applications, Zubair Ahmad, Muhammad Ilyas, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


A Family of Loss Distributions with an Application to the Vehicle Insurance Loss Data, Zubair Ahmad, Eisa Mahmoudi, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


The Odd Log-Logistic Gompertz Lifetime Distribution: Properties and Applications, Morad Alizadeh, Saeid Tahmasebi, Mohammad Reza Kazemi, Hamideh Siyamar Arabi Nejad, and Gholamhossein G. Hamedani


Mental Imagery Practice as a Therapy for Naming Impairments: A Preliminary Study, Subhash Bhatnagar, Bridget Patek, Yasmeen Khan-Ansari, Naveen K. Bansal, Hugh Buckingham, and Lotfi Hacein-Bey


On the Generalized Log Burr III Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Azeem Ali, and Munir Ahmad


New Modified Singh-Maddala Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Munir Ahmad


On Burr III-Pareto Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Munir Ahmad


On the Modified Burr XII-Power Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, and Munir Ahmad


On Burr III Marshal Olkin Family: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz, Gauss M. Cordeiro, Haitham M. Yousof, and Munir Ahmad


On Modified Extended Exponential Power Life Testing Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Application, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Seyed Morteza Najibi, and Munir Ahmad


Cubic Rank Transmuted Modified Burr III Pareto Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications, Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Wenhui Sheng, and Munir Ahmad


Group Presentations as a Site for Collective Modeling Activity, Corey Brady and Hyunyi Jung


Mathematical Modeling Experiences: Narratives from a Preservice Teacher and an Instructor, Sarah Brand and Hyunyi Jung


Pharmacokinetics of 99mTc-HMPAO in Isolated Perfused Rat Lungs, Anne V. Clough, Katherine Barry, Benjamin Michael Rizzo, Elizabeth R. Jacobs, and Said H. Audi


Prevalence of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: A Pilot Study, Megan Davenport, Andrew D. Welles, Matina V. Angelopoulou, Cesar D. Gonzalez, Christopher Okunseri, Lori Barbeau, Naveen K. Bansal, Rodney Vergotine, and Brian D. Hodgson


Mathematical Modeling and Classroom Discourse: A Case for Modeling-specific Discussion Strategies, Ashley Dorlack, Hyunyi Jung, Sarah Brand, and Samuel Franklin Gailliot


On the Exponentiated Weibull Rayleigh Distribution, Mohammed Elgarhy, Ibrahim Elbatal, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, and Amal Hassan


Restricted Stirling and Lah Number Matrices and Their Inverses, John Engbers, David Galvin, and Cliff Smyth


The n-Children Problem, John Engbers and Adam Hammett


Maximizing and Minimizing the Number of Generalized Colorings of Trees, John Engbers and Christopher Stocker


The Burr XII-Burr XII Distribution: Mathematical Properties and Characterizations, Ahmed M. Gad, Gholamhossein G. Hamedani, Sedigheh Mirzaei Salehabadi, and Haitham M. Yousof


A gene-based recessive diplotype exome scan discovers FGF6, a novel hepcidin-regulating iron-metabolism gene, Shicheng Guo, Shuai Jiang, Narendranath Epperla, Yanyun Ma, Mehdi Maadooliat, Zhan Ye, Brent Olson, Minghua Wang, Terrie Kitchner, Jeffrey Joyce, Peng An, Fudi Wang, Robert Strenn, Joseph J. Mazza, Jennifer K. Meece, Wenyu Wu, Li Jin, Judith A. Smith, Jiucan Wang, and Steven J. Schrodi