Document Type




Format of Original

4 p.

Publication Date



Michigan Counseling Association

Source Publication

Michigan Journal of Counseling and Development

Source ISSN



In the 1990s, college and university career services and placement units face many challenges which may influence their success including (a) increased budgetary constraints, (b) changing student demographics, (c) increased availability of computer technologies, (d) new service delivery models, and (e) changing employer recruitment practices. In an effort to address these issues and examine its role within the university (Roth, 1994), the Placement and Career Information Center (PCIC) at Central Michigan University undertook a program of applied research, self-assessment and planned change. The purpose of this article is to briefly report our experiences in conducting this program of applied research. The assessment strategy is presented in the first part of this report. Next, the methods used to collect data and assessment, sampling procedures and response rates are described. Following this, highlights of the assessment results are presented including a summary of some changes already made and those planned for the future. The results of this study are presented in detail in Adams, et at. (1994).


Published version. Michigan Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 25, No. 2 (1997): 13-16. Publisher Link. © 1997 Michigan Counseling Association.

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