Document Type
Format of Original
12 p.
Publication Date
Source Publication
Journal of Family Business Strategy
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Family business shows the promise of becoming a respected scholarly field in research universities. However, success is not a given. We inquire about its prospects, with reference to the sociology of science. A key requirement for success that has been met is identification with an important and distinctive domain of inquiry. This domain is at the intersection two phenomena - of kinship and business - but more attention has been paid to enterprise than to kinship. We suggest that this creates important windows for theoretical development, an important requirement for a core presence in research universities. We further suggest additional priorities, such as progress in journal and research quality, more developed links to pressing social issues such as international business, inclusion of family business issues in the credit curriculum, and faculty lines that create research continuity and legitimize research on family business.
Recommended Citation
Stewart, Alex and Miner, Anne S., "The Prospects for Family Business in Research Universities" (2011). Management Faculty Research and Publications. 45.
Post-print. Journal of Family Business Strategy, Volume 2, No. 1 (2011), DOI. Used with permission.