The Philosophy Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's philosophy faculty.
Submissions from 2005
Philosophies, Islamic, Richard C. Taylor
The Agent Intellect as “form for us” and Averroes’s Critique of al-Fârâbî, Richard C. Taylor
Assessing Moral Theories: Lessons from Feminist Philosophy of Science, Theresa Tobin
The Non-Modularity of Moral Knowledge: Implications for the Universality of Human Rights, Theresa Tobin
Review of Fichte’s Transcendental Philosophy: The Original Duplicity of Intelligence and Will by Günter Zöller, Michael Vater
Diotima's Ghost: The Uncertain Place of Feminist Philosophy in Professional Philosophy, Margaret Urban Walker
Submissions from 2004
Avantgarda in Medijske Umetnosti, Curtis Carter
Conceptual Art: A Base for Global Art or the End of Art?, Curtis Carter
Ways of World Making: J.R.R. Tolkien, Curtis Carter
Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker
Atoms, Complexes, and Demonstration: Posterior Analytics 96b15-25, Owen Goldin
Environmental Education and Metaethics, Owen Goldin
Hegel’s Critique of Schelling in the Phenomenology, Howard P. Kainz
Natural Law: An Introduction and Re-examination, Howard P. Kainz
Review of Spirit: Chapter Six of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Howard P. Kainz
A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Subjective and Objective Spirit: Husserl, Natorp and Cassirer, Sebastian Luft
Die Archivierung des husserlschen Nachlasses 1933—1935, Sebastian Luft
Husserl's Phenomenological Reduction Revisited: An Attempt of a Renewed Account, Sebastian Luft
Husserl’s Theory of the Phenomenological Reduction: Between Life-World and Cartesianism, Sebastian Luft
“Real-Idealism”: An Unorthodox Husserlian Response to the Question of Transcendental Idealism, Sebastian Luft
On the Philosophical Consistency of Season Seven; Or, "It's not about right, not about wrong…", James B. South
'You don’t deserve Cole Porter': Love and Music According to Woody Allen, James B. South
Improving on Nature's Exemplar: Averroes' Completion of Aristotle's Psychology of Intellect, Richard C. Taylor
Separate Material Intellect in Averroes' Mature Philosophy, Richard C. Taylor
Review of Feminists Doing Ethics edited by Peggy DesAutels and Joanne Waugh, Theresa Weynand Tobin
Review of New Essays on Fichte's Later Jena Wissenschaftslehre by Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore, Michael Vater
Schelling and Nagarjuna: the 'Night Absolute', Openness, and Ungrund, Michael Vater
Introduction, Margaret Urban Walker
Resentment and Assurance, Margaret Urban Walker
Submissions from 2003
Arts and Cognition: Performance, Criticism and Aesthetics, Curtis Carter
Hegemonija in Sirjenje Dominantnih Umetnostnih Praks, Curtis Carter
Introduction to Peter Sehringer: Kanon, Curtis Carter
Nelson Goodman [Dictionary Entry], Curtis Carter
Understanding "Dance Understanding", Curtis Carter
Watts: The Hub of the Universe: Art and Social Change, Curtis Carter
“The Sound of Urgent Bells and Drums” Gao Xingjian Ink Paintings, Curtis L. Carter
Understanding Dance Understanding, Curtis L. Carter
Jean Fautrier, 1898-1964, Curtis L. Carter, Karen K. Butler, Yves-Alain Bois, Benjamin HD Buchloh, and Rachel E. Perry
Review of Inference from Signs: Ancient Debates about the Nature of Evidence by James Allen, Owen Goldin
Natural Law and Natural Rights, Howard P. Kainz
Suicide Bombing: A Challenge to Just-War Theory and Natural Law, Howard P. Kainz
Die Konkretion des Ich und das Problem der Ichspaltung in Husserls phänomenologischer Reduktion, Sebastian Luft
Idealismo Realista: Una Respuesta Heterodoxa a la Pregunta del Idealismo Transcendental, Sebastian Luft
Quelques Problèmes Fondamentaux dans les Textes Tardifs de Husserl sur la Réduction Phénoménologique, Sebastian Luft
The Person as Signatory: Contractarian Social Theory at Work in Suburbia, Michael Monahan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale, James B. South
John Gerson, James B. South
John of Jandun, James B. South
John Philoponus, James B. South
"My God, It's Like a Greek Tragedy": Willow Rosenberg and Human Irrationality, James B. South
Le Liber de Causis, Richard C. Taylor
Review of "Genital Cutting and Transnational Sisterhood: Disputing US Polemic", Theresa Tobin
Schelling in Hegel's Phenomenology: Verstand, Vernunft, Wissen, Michael Vater
Moral Contexts. Collected Essays, Margaret Urban Walker
Review of Forgiveness and Revenge by Trudy Govier, Margaret Urban Walker
Truth and Voice in Women’s Rights, Margaret Urban Walker
Submissions from 2002
Aesthetics: Fast Forward, Curtis Carter
Marcel Duchamp in Americani, Curtis Carter
Paintings and Photographs, Introduction to "William Wegman", Curtis Carter
Fautrier's Fortunes: A Paradox of Success and Failure, Curtis L. Carter
Sculpture as a Public Art, Curtis L. Carter
The Forum: Autonomy, Beneficence, and Justice in Wider Context, Celia B. Fisher, Barry Rosenfeld, Donna M. McKenzie, and Margaret Urban Walker
Qu'est-ce Qu'une Loi Dans les Lois?, Owen Goldin
To Tell the Truth: Dissoi Logoi 4 & Aristotle's Response, Owen Goldin
Einige Grundprobleme in Husserls Unveroffentlichten Spaten Texten Uber Phanomenologische Reduktion, Sebastian Luft
Husserl's Notion of the Natural Attitude and the Shift to Transcendental Phenomenology, Sebastian Luft
Phänomenologie der Phänomenologie: Systematik und Methodologie der Phänomenologie in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Husserl und Fink, Sebastian Luft
Zabarella and the Intentionality of Sensation, James B. South
Duns Scotus and the Knowledge of the Singular Revisited, James B. South
Singular and Universal in Suárez's Account of Cognition, James B. South
Morality in Practice: A Response to Claudia Card and Lorraine Code, Margaret Urban Walker
Review of Citizenship in Diverse Societies, Margaret Urban Walker
Review of Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th-Century, Margaret Urban Walker
Submissions from 2001
Preface [to Italian Renaissance Masters], Curtis Carter
Sculpture, Curtis Carter
Porphyry, Nature, and Community, Owen Goldin
Review of Plato's Reception of Parmenides by John A. Palmer, Owen Goldin
Review of The Last Laugh: A New Philosophy Of Near-Death Experiences, Apparitions, And The Paranormal by Raymond A. Moody Jr., Howard Kainz
H.S. Harris' Commentary on Hegel's Phenomenology: A Review, Howard P. Kainz
Suárez and the Problem of External Sensation, James South
Suarez on Imagination, James South
“All Torment, Trouble, Wonder, and Amazement Inhabits Here": The Vicissitudes of Technology in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, James B. South
Book Review of On the Formal Cause of Substance: Metaphysical Disputation XV, by Francisco Suárez, John Kronen, and Jeremiah Reddy, James B. South
Book Review of The New Map of the World: The Poetic Philosophy of Giambattista Vico by Giuseppe Mazzotta, James B. South
Francisco Suárez on Imagination, James B. South
Review of Aristotle and Aristotelianism in Medieval Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Philosophy by Husain Kassim, Richard C. Taylor
Review of Jena Romanticism and the Appropriation of Jakob Böhme by Paola Mayer, Michael Vater
Schelling’s Vom Ich as a Reading of Fichte’s Grundlage des gesamten Wissenschaftslehre, Michael Vater
Moral Repair and Its Limits, Margaret Urban Walker
Review of On Virtue Ethics by Rosalind Hursthouse, Margaret Urban Walker
Review of Sex and Social Justice by Martha Nussbaum, Margaret Urban Walker
Seeing Power in Morality: A Proposal for Feminist Naturalism in Ethics, Margaret Urban Walker
Submissions from 2000
Marcel's Philosophical Reflections on Faith, Thomas C. Anderson
The Body and Communities in Cyberspace: A Marcellian Analysis, Thomas C. Anderson
Art Museum as a Purveyor of Culture, Curtis Carter
A Tribute to Nelson Goodman, Curtis Carter
Improvisation in Dance, Curtis Carter
Migrations, Curtis Carter
Salvador Dali: Design for the Theater, Curtis Carter