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American Institute of Physics
Source Publication
Journal of Applied Physics
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This article describes calculations of ferromagnetic resonance damping rates due to coupling between the magnetization and lattice vibrations through inhomogeneities. The mechanisms we have explored include generation of shear phonons through inhomogeneous anisotropy and generation of both longitudinal and shear phonons through inhomogeneous magnetostriction. In both cases, inhomogeneities couple the uniform precession to finite wave vector phonons. For both coupling mechanisms, the predicted damping rate is on the order of 106 s-21 in transition metals. The damping rate by these mechanisms is inversely proportional to the fifth power of the shear phonon velocity, and may play a significant role in mechanically softer materials such as magnet/polymer nanocomposites.
Recommended Citation
McMichael, R. D. and Kunz, Andrew, "Calculation of Damping Rates in Thin Inhomogeneous Ferromagnetic Films Due to Coupling to Lattice Vibrations" (2002). Physics Faculty Research and Publications. 134.
Published version. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, No. 10 (May 2002). DOI. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. Used with permission.