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The Johns Hopkins University Press
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This study investigates the effect of explicit instruction and input flood on students' use of Spanish discourse markers on a simulated oral proficiency interview. Students in the experimental group (n = 10) were provided with explicit instruction on the function and use of discourse markers to narrate an event in the past time frame. This group also received a flood of input that contained an increased incidence of discourse markers. Students were then presented with opportunities for communicative practice and corrective feedback. In contrast, students in the control group (n = 9) did not receive explicit instruction on the use of discourse markers. This group received the same flood of input as the experimental group. The results of the experiment demonstrated that explicit instruction combined with input flood was more effective than input flood alone in promoting students' use of discourse markers. The findings support the use of explicit instruction to teach Spanish discourse markers.
Recommended Citation
Hernandez, Todd A., "The Effect of Explicit Instruction and Input Flood on Students' Use ofSpanish Discourse Markers on a Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview" (2008). Spanish Languages and Literatures Research and Publications. 58.
Published version. Hispania, Vol 91, No. 3, (September 2008): 665-675. Publisher Link. © 2016 The Johns Hopkins University Press. Used with permission.