Document Type
Format of Original
8 p.
Publication Date
Spring 2000
Corporation of the Anglican Theological Review
Source Publication
Anglican Theological Review
Source ISSN
In this essay I will consider the biblical pneumatology of George T. Montague and C. F. D. Moule relative to three topic areas-the ethic of Christian life as inspired and formed by the Holy Spirit the role of individual and community discernment concerning apparent manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit as a sign of the "future present" and pledge of the fulfillment of the already begun but not yet completed coming of the kingdom of God. I will consider Montague's The Holy Spirit: Growth of a Biblical Tradition (New York: Paulist Press, 1976) and Moule's The Holy Spirit (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1978). Although Montague is a Roman Catholic and Moule is an Anglican, they have much in common. They reflect deep faith informed by critical biblical reflection on issues of importance for Christian faith today. The parallels in their biblical pneumatology provide a significant basis for ecumenical theology and Christian unity.
Recommended Citation
Slocum, Robert B., "The Holy Spirit and the Life of the Church: A Comparison of Montague and Moule" (2000). Theology Faculty Research and Publications. 242.
Published version. Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 82, No. 2 (Spring 2000): 445-452. Publisher Link. © 2000 SAGE Publications. Used with permission.